Dec. 16, 1995.
Here is the last part of the information I found on my computer. If my memory serves me right it was send to me by a person called Chris Loeckel and he used to be in college but now has a real job and makes real money.
John Winston.
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Q: So in the case where the guy does come up and he's got a gun, and his initial intention was to rob you or whatever, you will experience the fear and say, "Okay, I can just view this as a positive thing." That will flip us into a dimension where we co-create -
It can happen that way. It can also allow you to not come anywhere near that individual, and vice versa.
Q: Well, I'm saying he's two feet in front of me -
But understand: you are missing the point. Not that it cannot switch in the middle of the idea. but generally speaking, you do not usually need to have that particular type of scenario to know that if you create your reality in a certain vibration, you will never meet that robber at all. He will take one street, and you will take another. You will not have to come down the the idea of the confrontation at all... although that may be one way individuals may find an exciting way to come to terms with what they believe in the moment. It is certainly valid if they create it, and it has happened.
Q: Well, it sounds like what you're saying is that in
the case of my
going down a street other than the one he goes down,
I've already dealt with my fears.
Yes, that is the point. If you are using the situation to allow the fear to be there in order to deal with it, then yes, you can transform the situation right in the middle. Therefore recognize that if that is what you are willing to do, then the individual you have attracted is someone willing to change with you. And so in a sense it has already been changed.
--- Initiating Visitations ---
Q: In contacting ships, in some contexts people have gone aboard and gone on flights, hanging out physically with ETs. In what context can I do that?
In the context of the fullness of the agreement of your timing. Go and do what excites you.
Q: As I do that, and am running around the desert in search of -
Do not wait for it.
Q: I don't. I'm wondering if there is some shift necessary, some timing? Or is there some agreement that can be made? Can I just check on when is the next available flight - ?
You have already made the agreement. You will fulfill the appropriate timing by continuing to do what represents who you are. That is what will take you most quickly into any timed agreement: be the person you need to be. That agreement will be met.
Q: Is there some other way I can get an advanced glimpse of the schedule?
Certain areas on your planet that attract you - do you physically go there?
Q: Not as often as I'd like. There are a couple of places -
Bye-bye.... In other words, if that is what you are all about, then act upon the impulse. Place yourself in the locations carrying the highest degree of conductivity for those types of blendings. There are many, many places around your planet that we have visited, and visit all the time. You may simply go to where you are attracted. But again, recognize that you do not necessarily have to go very far. Generally speaking, however, it is usually more conducive to see our ships if you are not in a large city.
What we are saying is that we recognize many of you have ascribed to us abilities that in many ways we do not have - in the sense of being able to just pop in, pop out, anywhere any time. We also follow the natural lines of flow of timing and the electromagnetic field of the universal reality. And therefore sometimes even when you might be ready, the timing on our side does not match the fullness of the agreement.
Q: Is there some way to find out what that timing would be that does work in conjunction with your agreement?
Sometimes in meditation it can come to you. But always in the exploration of the things that mean the most to you in physical life, and in the action on those endeavors you will have whatever type of recognition of the timing you need. But do realize that usually you think you're ready when you really are not. Trust that when you really are ready, nothing in the universe will stop it.
Q: Great. Thank you.
Bashar, I wouldn't mind being abducted and temporarily
detained on a space ship. What do you think would be
the best way to do that?
By not giving it a second thought. By going about your business, living your life to the fullest, and being the person you really desire to be. By not *needing* to do that. Many of the ideas of these so-called interactions - it is not that they cannot occur, but only that many times they will not occur *because* you are requesting it in the context that you will not be complete unless it happens. And therefore we will not show up and reinforce your sense of incompleteness.
Not that we will guarantee anything, for the timing is always going to be dependent upon the individual, but if you still have a penchant for a contact, simply be somewhere alone. Then your chances are greatly increased. But do also understand: all of you have been aboard ships in your dream states. All of you.
Q: Yeah, I remember dreams of doing that, but I want
to do it in my
physical body.
As soon as the dream state and the physical body are not considered different, you will be. Do not need it to be different; do not need it out of desperation. Live your life; all things are happening according to perfect timing, and according to agreements that serve the best of all concerned. And relax. Many times - and this may surprise some of you who are so eager to meet us, as you say, in the flesh - we have heard many of you express the same desire: "I'm really ready; I'm ready to meet you now - really. I'll meet you down at the corner in, oh, half an hour."
We are very aware of all the levels of your consciousness that are involved in the need to focus on us, and to focus on yourselves. But when you have expressed the idea of your readiness, finding yourselves in a remote location, and finding the energy changing and you are very aware of exactly what is happening - that we are coming closer to you in vibration, and are in many ways about to literally appear to you - boy, do you run! When it comes right down to it, many times you are not as ready as you think you are. "Not yet; not yet," you say.... We will know when you are ready.
Q: I don't think I'd run, though.
I know you don't think you'd run. And in a sense many of you may not. But also understand this: one of the reasons for the timing of everything is because, as we pointed out earlier, being exposed to a higher vibration will often bring things up with you that you are not ready to face about yourselves. And in fact, MOST OF THE RUNNING YOU DO IS NOT FROM US. IT IS FROM YOURSELVES!
We will trust the timing that is best for all concerned. Do not give it a second thought; just live your lives. And as we have said, you can open the lines of communication in loving ways with your government, and allow them to share the information of our existence. Make it not such a surprising thing that your civilization and ours should interact, thus laying the groundwork for that interaction.
The End. Part 8 of 8.
John Winston.